Good Luck, Luck of the Irish, Lucky Duck, Beginners Luck, Luck of the Draw, Dumb Luck, Lucky Break – the list goes on. Numerous phrases containing the work luck are used on a regular basis. Is luck really just ‘the success or failure brough by chance rather than one’s actions’ or is there something other than chance involved. Everyone knows of some situation where a streak of luck seemed to attract even more good luck; and at some point that luck probably ran out.
Can we make or at least influence our luck? Is everything predestined or determined by the patterns of the moon and planetary alignments. Do we perceive the combination of talent, hard-work and opportunity to be luck. Even the science community has delved into this topic and how statistics defines luck in an article Scientific American - of Role Luck. We’ve all heard the saying “like attracts like” which can be used for happiness, sadness, and even luck. Can our mindset and awareness help create good, or even bad luck? If we told ourselves today was going to be a lucky day, would that increase the luck we had? Numerology can help us identify the lucky days of the month and even specifically what days are lucky for each of us, based on our birthdate. Tracking the moon’s position and using that to determine the generic lucky days of each month, is a long time tool coveted by MacDonald’s Farmers Almanac users. Everyone has a different definition of what they consider to be lucky, and unlucky. My idea of luck is missing the rain while I’m out running errands; or being in the right place at the right time to avoid an accident; or finding rhubarb at the grocery. My dad considers himself to have good luck, as evidenced by his winning ratio of lottery tickets and radio contests. My friend knows she’ll have good luck when she finds a four-leaved clover. Luck, similar to beauty, is in the eye of the beholder; all about perspective. While the formula for determining lucky and unlucky days is very easy; the key lies in the interpretations and influences of free will. Taking into consideration, what you believe is lucky or unlucky, can help put you in the right mindset on the days of the month you determine to be lucky/ unlucky. One could even use interpretative knowledge to combine the lucky days and what luck might be brought based on the planetary and astrological influences of that day. For example, in May the full moon occurs on the 26th; there are 5 days remaining until the end of the month and a total of 31 days; resulting in the number 155. This is determined as the 5th and 15th being the lucky days. The 5th is in Pisces, ruling the feet; so my interpretation to maximize benefit on this day would be to get a pedicure (pampering of my feet equals happiness and lucky evening for me!). The 15th is in Cancer, ruling the heart; an interpretation might be pay attention to what makes my heart flutter and continue to make that happen. The opposite, the unlucky days of the month are calculated to be the 8th in Aries, ruled by the head; and the 25th in Scorpio. I will avoid horseback and bicycle riding on the 25th for sure. Whether you believe in lucky objects, being lucky or just chance; combining numerology with astrology can guide you to improving your luck, and even avoiding the dreaded back luck. Be smart and make the moon and planets work for you! 11/16/2022 04:33:14 am
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